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10 reasons why your company needs to adopt ISO 19650

Updated: Feb 23

I receive a lot of questions from AEC professionals asking: how can I explain the value of ISO 19650 to my boss, colleague or client. I prepared a short presentation and a Youtube video to help you communicate to others why your company needs to adopt ISO 19650.

Feel free to download the presentation from this link and share it:

The standard provides a data standardization framework with clear responsibilities for the delivery of information. Working with a standard process, teams can reduce time and cost in producing coordinated information with the use of shared information containers.

The standard helps teams and the client to identify the client’s Information Requirements. Information requirements provide consistent information about the purpose of the project and guide the project to be delivered efficiently and effectively.

The standard introduces the information management functions to provide a clear understanding of the tasks performed in a project. The Information management functions ensure clarity of authority, responsibility, capacity and competency for teams.

The standard enables information container-based collaborative working for the production and management of information. The use of shared information containers reduces the time and cost of producing and delivering coordinated information.

The fundamental concept of the standard is that the Project Information Model develops to become the Asset Information Model. The Asset Information Model is a virtual construction model and provides all the information necessary to support the effective management of asset.

The standard introduces the Common Data Environment, CDE using a range of technologies that ensure the security and quality of information. The information within the CDE is available to all project parties and enables a secure controlled collaborative environment for project delivery.


The standard provides a framework to assist organizations to manage the security risks in collaborative sharing of information. The framework outlines measures to assist in reducing risks relative to the safety, security and resilience of assets, products or services.

The standard defines the federated information model as an assembly of distinct discipline information models to create a single building model. The federated information model is available to all parties and helps the project team to make informed decisions and improve the allocation of resources.

The Level of Information Need framework is used to determine the minimum amount of information needed to answer each requirement. The Level of Information Need describes the extend and detail of information and includes the appropriate determination of quality, quantity and granularity of information.

The standard applies to the whole life cycle of built assets and construction projects of all sizes and levels of complexity. This includes large estates, infrastructure networks, individual buildings and pieces of infrastructure and the projects or sets of projects that deliver them.

Interested in learning more about the implementation of ISO 19650 in BIM projects?

BIM training by BIM Design Hub introduces you to the concepts and principles of Building Information Modelling, BIM, in line with ISO 19650-2 and provides sufficient skills and knowledge of the BIM process, standards and guidelines that support the digitalization of the construction industry.

  • The BIM Foundations course provides an overview of Building Information Modelling in line with ISO 19650. It describes the principles and concepts of BIM, identifies the industry standards that support BIM implementation, and includes a reference to the UK standards applied to the BIM process.

  • The BIM Information Management course describes the activities that occur during the Information Management stages from the Assessment and Need until the Project Closeout.

or click below to see the video overview:

Author: Panagiotidou Nicoleta

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BIM training by BIM Design Hub introduces you to the concepts and principles of Building Information Modeling, BIM, in line with ISO 19650 and provides sufficient skills and knowledge of the BIM process, standards and guidelines that support the digitalization of the construction industry.

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